Pumpkin Pie in a jar, but fat free! This Award Winning fruit butter is slow cooked using less sugar and locally grown pumpkin. We suggest serving over ice cream or cheese cake, for a quick tasty dessert.
Contains: Pumpkin, apple juice, sugar, pectin, ground cinnamon, ground clove, citric acid, ground nutmeg, ground ginger.
Pumpkin Fruit Butter
I admit, I almost didn't order the Pumpkin Fruit Butter because my experience with the dozens of brands I've tried over the years have only left me broken-hearted and disappointed: too tart; too tangy; too oh-lord-my-mouth's-on-fire-with-cinnamon!; you name it--->Meh. But I was SO sold on the Huckleberry Syrup I tried (and fell in love with!) that I was willing to (GULP!) try again. So into the cart it went, fingers crossed, along with my NINE other delights I couldn't live without. When I popped open that jar, I waited for the waft of overpowering cinnamon and cloves.... but it never came. I tentatively held it to my nose and noticed a light fruity aroma with just a hint of spices inside. "Hmph." With that came a little plastic spoon (one must proceed with caution, you know. You can't just slather on past misnomers onto a glorious buttered biscuit.) And then it happened. The heavens opened, the angels began to sing, and a blasphemic phrase, "ohh... my.... Goooooooood...." followed with several oohs, ahhs, and "Where's a bigger spoon!? WHERE'S THE LADLE!?" I have finally found what Pumpkin Butter is **SUPPOSED** to taste like! A perfect blend of aromatics, pumpkin and fruit. It is the best of Fall in a jar. (Yes, yes I know it's Spring, but Fall is my favorite.) I AM FOREVER A FAN! THANK YOU!!! Blessings to you from the great Pacific Northwest, Lakewood, Washington!!